

It's a pleasure for us to inform you that we will be hosting a course which is looking at the integration of maths and music in primary and secondary education. This "European Music Portfolio - Maths" course will be held in Barcelona at the end of October 2015.


This course is part of the LLP Comenius project European Music Portfolio – Maths: Sounding Ways into Mathematics (EMP-M - The overarching aim of this course is to discover new connections between music and maths teaching and learning. This course builds on materials, tools and activities designed and collected in collaboration with teachers and experts from several European countries. It offers practical experiences and opportunities to explore ways of creatively linking music and maths teaching and learning. The activities support the development of deeper knowledge of music and mathematics and an understanding of how these subjects can be integrated in order to enhance the children’s learning experiences.

The course will last for 5 days and will cost approximately 700€ (plus travel, accommodation and meals). Participation in this course can be funded by the ERASMUS+ programme. For more information please contact your national agency (contact details can be found under: and ask for Key Activity 1 – Mobility Project for Individuals - School education staff mobility. Applications have to be submitted online by schools or other institutions to your national agency by 3. March 2015.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.