This "European Music Portfolio - Maths" CPD Course will take place in Athens, Greece and last two days (Friday 28 - Saturday 29 October 2016).
This European CPD Course develops innovative and creative approaches to make the learning of mathematics (and music) more interesting, inquiry-based and engaging. This approach can have particular benefits for low achievers and students at risk. The project aims to enhance the quality and European dimension of in-service and initial teacher training courses by introducing a tested training curriculum dealing with interdisciplinary approaches to the teaching and learning of both mathematics and music. The mission of EMP MATHS European CPD Course is to provide teachers with opportunities for salary advancement through course work that is interesting, topical, and immediately applicable.
Participation in this course can be funded by the ERASMUS+ programme: Key Activity 1 –Mobility project for school education staff
Applicants have to submit their grant application by 2 February at 12:00 (midday Brussels time).
The course will take place in Emmantina Hotel, in Athens – Glyfada the perfect choice for business travelers and leisure tourists. The inviting 4 star hotel is placed in the exclusive suburb Glyfada, which is also known as the Athenian Riviera.
Course Fee: 140€ (travel, accommodation and meals not included). The course will be delivered in English.
What you will learn
- Why maths and music are so important to today’s curricula design and structure?
- How to plan and organize for classroom success
- Practical skills and activities for motivating students
- Strategies for coping with team challenges
Topics covered
- Stages of math & music development
- Common team dysfunctions
- Effective communication
- Teaching strategies & techniques
EMP MATHS CPD Course is a two day course with 6 workshops for educators in primary and secondary education. Courses are provided to educators for in service advancement or recertification. Courses require classroom attendance. Students are actively involved in the course process through relevant materials, current research and professor contact. The courses will be supported through Moodle platform.
For more information and assistance on the grant application please contact your national agency (contact details can be found at: or write an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
IMPORTANT: Pre-registration is needed if you are applying for funding. Please, send an e-mail to Maria Argyriou (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) as soon as possible to let us know that you have applied.